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After burning out, crashing hard, and losing my family, I had to re-examine literally everything I once thought and believed about parenting, stress, and life itself. I won't pretend it was fast, easy or fun, but the lessons I learned changed my life.


Three revelations in particular about grace, honour and choice saturated every step of my healing in such a significant way that they now form the groundwork of my personal and professional philosophy. Any teaching or advice I may ever have to offer will stem from here.




When everything else is stripped away, and all that remains is you...

GRACE brings peace and says,
“You’re doing the best you can with what you have right now.”

Having grace for yourself means extending compassion, humility and forgiveness for your human flaws, failures and weaknesses.


You are inherently worthy of belonging, acceptance and adoration. You think, feel, and do some ugly things. Ok... it’s ok. You’re ok. It doesn’t make things hurt less or matter less and it doesn’t make you worth less. You are enough. You are good. You are loved.




When you know who you are and what you’re capable of...

HONOUR brings empowerment and says, “You matter the same as everyone else.”

Honouring yourself means recognizing, validating and respecting your needs, desires and contributions.

You know things. You can do things. And you matter. Only when you’re thriving as your best SELF (body, heart, mind and soul) can you also thrive as the best parent (and partner, friend and person) that you’re meant to be.  Be confident in your creativity, skill, and resourcefulness.




When you are unhindered to decide what comes next...


CHOICE brings freedom and says,

"You always have a choice to make."

Having choice means having freedom, discernment and ownership over what you think, feel and do next.

You may not always be able to choose your first reactive thought, feeling or action, but you do have the freedom and discernment to choose what you think, feel or do next. By owning the outcomes of all that belongs to you, you can confidently re-create a life you love, one choice at a time.

If you're curious to learn more about my own personal journey with these ideas, you can also read my Philosophy Origin Story here: 

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